15 Sep 2016
kembali ke listMangupura - Following incidents of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7smartphone explosion and the issued of aviation safety warnings from the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA-USA), the Ministry of Transportation issued instructions not to activate the electronic devices while in the air.
The passengers are prohibited to activate and charge on all flights. Users of mobile phones Galaxy Note 7 series is also forbidden to save the Samsung products in checked baggage.
Co. General Manager Airport I Gusti Putu Ngurah Rai Puja conveyed the issued from the Ministry of Transportation Supradnyana through the written press, on Thursday (15/9).
"We request that passengers who use the electronic device type Samsung Galaxy Note 7 not to activate his mobile phone during the flight. This includes not using flight mode. The phone must be really in a state of inactivity," said Putu.
"This is in accordance with the official letter from Ministry of Transportation number 18 in 2016," he added.
Not only the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, all users of electronic devices that use lithium batteries and power banks are also advised not to place the device in checked baggage.
Also presented so that the passengers can immediately report to the cabin attendant when the lithium battery, power bank or smart phone Samsung Galaxy Note 7 carried is suffered in damage, heat or smoke.
"For safety together, we request the cooperation of the passengers to comply with this appeal," he added.