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Until September, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Served 14.8 Million Passengers

06 Oct 2016

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Mangupura - Angkasa Pura I noted an increase in the number of passengers arriving and departing through I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. As of the end of the third quarter or the month of September 2016, the airport of I Gusti Ngurah Rai has served 14.8 million passengers.

"When compared with the same period last year, there was a significant increase. September, the number of passengers we serve 12.7 million and 14.8 million this year. This means that there is an increase of up to 16 percent," said General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Yanus Suprayogi.

When seen from the composition, the number of domestic and international passengers unchanged at respectively 7.4 million passengers.

"In the last 4-year period, passenger growth in 2016 was the highest," added Yanus.

In addition to the number of passengers, an increase also occurred in the number of cargo either inbound or outbound as well as aircraft movements.

The amount of goods transported via cargo has increased very significantly reaching more than 30 thousand tons, up 39 percent compared to 2015, while the number of aircraft movements rose 10 percent ie 103 thousand.

"We are optimistic that a good number of passengers, aircraft and cargo to the end of this year will continue to increase," he said. []