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Maximizing Service, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Equipped with a Boogie Ambulance

23 Sep 2016

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Mangupura - PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport provided assistance 1 unit Boogie Ambulance to the Port Health Office (KKP), to support health services as integrated and maximal to airport services users,Friday (23/9) morning.

The health facility was symbolically handed over by General Manager Yanus Suprayogi to the Head Office of Denpasar Health Class I Lucky Tjahyono in I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. Also present the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office and Head of Region IV Airport Authority.

"We provide boogie ambulance as assistanceas part of the synergy between Angkasa Pura I with the KKP. We want to support the KKP's performance in providing health support services, especially in the ​​public area of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport” said Yanus.

Boogie ambulance facility is expected to complement the needs of KKP in providing medical services.

"The working area of ​​KKP not only inside the terminal but also in the area outside the terminal and the medical team has demands rapid response, thus requiring special vehicles to meet these targets," he said.

Boogie ambulance will be placed in the room of KKP domestic arrivals terminal. Boogie ambulance has been equipped with a siren and mattresses.

In addition to the complementary facility, which has been modified boogie is also equipped with P3K equipment to support health care.

"Boogie ambulance would operate in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention quickly," he added.