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I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Received Certificates Of ISO 9001: 2008 For Aircraft Passenger Services

22 Jul 2016

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Mangupura - I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport obtained the certificate of quality management system standard ISO 9001: 2008 from the United Register of Systems (URS) Services Indonesia. ISO 9001: 2008 for Aircraft Passengers Serviceswere presented by representatives of the USSR Indonesia to Human Capital & General Affairs Director of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Nugroho at Golden Tulip Jineng Resort Bali Friday morning (29/7).

Certification of aircraft passengers services is arealization of the seriousness of Angkasa Pura I in improving the system and ensure the quality of service quality for service users, in this case the passengers at I Gusti Ngurah Raiairport.

Aircraft passengers’ servicesor often abbreviated PJP2U has a very broad scope, ranging from the check-infacility, immigration facility, customs facility, security check, baggage service, providing flight schedule information, cleanliness, availability of public facilities to the coolness of the room terminal.

"We have a vision to be one of the top ten managers of the best airports in Asia and we are really serious in making them. One of the real efforts that we did was to standardize PJP2U at all airports under the management of Angkasa Pura I," said Adi Nugroho.

Adi added that at present there are three airports in addition to I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport already pocketed the certificate of ISO 9001: 2008, the Juanda Airport in Surabaya, Semarang Achmad Yani Airport and Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport.

"Following after Bali, Sam Ratulangi Airport, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, Balikpapan Syamsudin NoorAirports andEl Tari Kupang Airport, will also soon receive a similar certificate," he added.

General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Trikora Harjo met after submission of certificate ISO 9001: 2008 explains that the process to obtain a certificate of international standard is fairly lengthy.

"To obtain this certificate we start documenting all procedures are both directly related to servicing and supporting, the implementation of internal audit, then the audit results of our evaluation and reviewed until the end of the audit process by a team of URS Services Indonesia. They are audited immediately documents and how the application in the terminal. So starting from product to process everything is audited, "said Trikora.

“We began the process in 2013. We are pleased to finally passenger services at the airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai in both the international and domestic terminals are now certified to international standards, he said.

ISO certificate is not the first time for I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, since December 2015 the airport already hold ISO 14001: 2004 / ISO 19-14001-2005 for Environmental Management System. []