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I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Actives On Supporting Bali Tourism And SMEs

22 Jul 2016

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Mangupura - PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport through corporate social responsibility (CSR) handed over the aid to two tourism area manager in Badung regency, on Thursday afternoon (28/7).

The grants were symbolically given in the Airport of I Gusti Ngurah Rai will be used for the construction of public facilities such as toilets in the tourist area of ​​Uluwatu Temple in Pecatu Indigenous Village and Pandawa Beachin KutuhIndigenous Village.

In addition to supporting the development of tourism, management of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport also actively participate in the construction of worshipplaces, such as Dukuh Petanian Temple and Telaga Waja Temple in KelanIndigenous Village, Badung Regency and Kerta Dalem Temple in Pering Sari Village, Karangasem regency.

"The amount of grant that we disbursed for development of tourism, religious facilities and health reach to 880 million IDR," said the Finance & IT Department Head I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport M. Faisal.

On the same chance Trikora also gave partnership fundassistance to the 12 micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which are among others engaged in silver and batik, brick industry, salon to the management of shops and stalls.

"This morning we also allocate 600 million IDR for SMEs. We are very enthusiastic in supporting the space for the artisans and small entrepreneurs, particularly in encouraging business development both in terms of financial and managerial," said Faisal.

Hopefully, through this CSR program, management of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport can play an active role in moving the economy of Bali from all lines of business.

"Bali has a huge tourism potential. In addition to support from the side of airport, we also have a responsibility as a corporation to promote economic growth and tourism through this CSR program," he added.

For additional information, this distribution activity is the second time in 2016. Total actual distribution of the partnership until the 2nd half of 2016 reached 1.4 billion IDR to 31 trained partners. While the environmental development program absorbs a budget about 960 million IDR. Total CSRdisbursements since 1992 reached 47.8 billion IDR. []