31 Aug 2016
kembali ke listMangupura - When a traveler is in I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport and wants to go somewhere, there so many fun action that can be done.
On the domestic departure terminal, there is a spacious and comfortable area, which is actually designated as a smoking room. To get there, the passengers had to climb through the comfortably ladder next to Gate 6.
The area is located in the open space of approximately 300 meters on the upper floors airports. Around a quarter of the area is a roofed space equipped with enough chairs for 60 people. Chairs provided even more as there are seats provided cafe manager there.
The area also equipped with restrooms which is clean and artistic, from the area, we can see the flurry of domestic aviation aircraft waiting to take off at the beach. Next to it appear so many fishing boats.
Traveler, including foreign tourists, it turns out that there are many who utilize the area for "kongkow" ( sitting enjoying coffee) ahead of boarding. Among them, there are some enjoying the coffee that is purchased in the cafe and selfie (taking a self – photo).
Despite being in the open area, passengers need not worry about missed flights due to airport operators provide information services through loudspeakers on a schedule flight departure.
Only, the traveler must discipline to cleanliness. Not littering, especially cigarette butts everywhere. [BeritaTrans.com]